Sunday, March 22, 2009


It has sprung around here - the beautiful sun filled sky, the warm breeze coming through the window screen, the 32 degree nights, the frost in the morning, the bags of mulch that have replaced the bags of salt at the corner gas stations - all these things reassure me that nicer weather is around the corner.

And with that, a whole list of things to do. Because our yard (as I've already mentioned) is hard as cement, my dream - my gardening vision if you will - is to create a container garden that defines all others. It will be full of....containers. And in these containers will be container plants - herbs, flowers, tall grasses, a small tree or bush perhaps? This garden will transform my wide open un-private, sun beaten deck into a garden oasis. Life sustaining vegetables will abound right outside my door; humming birds and butterflies will flock to feed on the nectar filled flowers cascading out of the many.... containers that adorn my private sanctuary.

So the blog muse has been absent in my life for the past several weeks. Perhaps I will now start to document a bit of what's going on around me. And this project may be a good start.

Step One: Buy Some Containers.

P.S. We visited this little guy yesterday - and plan to bring him home in about two weeks. He is more the size of a small hamster at this point - and will not grow to be much bigger than 8 pounds. I've never had such a small dog before but along with warmer weather, spring also tends to bring new love - love that defies the odds. So, here we go again.


Rochelle said...

I have all the confidence that you will get your garden...however it needs to grow.
Your new puppy is ADORABLE!
What kind is he? And does he have a name yet?

Peg said...

Well....we will see about the garden. I appreciate your vote of confidence. : )

Funny you should ask about the name...we are struggling with that. He's small, so don't want a "big" name, but also want to respect that he's a boy and a dog. He is a mix of maltese and poodle.

Ryan will be home for spring break next Thursday - will Zach be around then?

Anonymous said...

i wish i was around then, otherwise i'd be over at ur house. i wont be home for another 2 weeks from thursday, it kinda stinks b/c ryan leaves the day before i come home

Nicole said...

What an absolutely adorable puppy! Hope to see you soon. Enjoy your time with Ryan!

Linda W said...

I was so sorry to read about Tuffy. I lost my 16 year-old kitty (Cookie) around the same time. She, too, passed away at home in a spot of sunshine with me holding her.
Your new little one is just darling! Call or email me and let's get together for dinner soon.

Anonymous said...

jenlb sayz: your new baby is so adorable. nilly sayz so too! love you!