Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lotto Zen

My staff hosted a very nice Happy Hour for me last week. They are the BEST! It was so nice to see many faces that I didn't get a chance to see in my last few days at work - and several additional ex-"Company X" employees. I now hold court with that group, and hope to do 'em proud.

One of my going away presents was a cup full of lottery tickets and gift certificates to help break the monotony of moving. I promised myself that I would not scratch off those lotto tickets until I was done moving every last item out of our current house. I am happy to say that with the exception of a 1 ton art work table in the basement, everything is completely out.

So. I sat down to scratch off my tickets and ended up winning $36.

Cost of tickets? $36.

The thrill of scratching them off? You got it.

1 comment:

LSW said...

I love reading your posts. Keep 'em coming.


PS - Here's my blog address http://thesilverslipper.blogspot.com/